New EU security regulation on airports. Useful information

To protect yourself against the new threath represented by liquid explosives, the European Union adopted new security regulation that limits the liquid quantity that you can check-in at the security control.

This regulation applies to all passengers that embark from airports in the EU, regardless of their destination.

This means, that at every security control, in addition to the control of forbidden items, you will undergo a check regarding the liquids that you transport with you and in cabin baggage.

Still, the new regulation doesn`t limit the liquid quantities that you can purchase beyond the check-in point or from the aircraft operated by European Union air-carriers.

The new regulation applies starting from November 6, 2006 on all EU airports, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland until further notice.

When you make your luggage you should know that you are allowed to carry only small amounts of liquids in cabin baggage.

This liquids should be in recipients of maximum 100 millilitres each.

You should put these recipients in a transparent, plastic bag provided with a open/close unit. The bag`s capacity shouldn`t exceed 1 liter, per passenger (see the below image).

At the airport you are still allowed:

  • to introduce liquids in check-in baggage – the new regulation applies only on cabin baggage
  • to transport in the cabin baggage medicines and products used for a special diet, including baby food, destined to be used during the flight. You may be obliged to prove the necesity of this medicines.

To purchase liquids, such as drinkables, perfums from shops in EU airports, situated beyond the check-in point or from the aircraft operated by EU air-carriers.If these items are sold in special sealed bags, do not open them until you reach the security control –otherwise, the content of the bag might be confiscated at security control points.

( If you are on transfer on a EU airport, do not open the bag before you reach the security check-in on the transfer airport, or on the last transfer airport if you transfer several times).

All this liquids are suplimentary to the quantities from the bags provided with a special open/close device, mentioned above.

If you have questions , please contact the airline or travel agencies for further information before your flight.

Please show cooperation with the security personnel on airports and with airline`s representatives. This document was issued by the European Comission, Association of European Airlines and Airports Council International Europe.

Warning: this document is for your information and it is a resume of the main regulation from European legislation regarding the subject, this is not a law enforced document.

What`s new?

To help security personnel to identify liquids, you must:

  • Present the security personnel for examination, all the liquids you have on you;
  • Take-off your overcoat, trenchcoat and jackets.These will be controlled separately.
  • Take out all portable PC and other large electronical device from the cabin baggage. They will be controlled separately.


  • Water and other drinkables, soups, syrups
  • Creams, lotions, oils
  • Perfummes
  • Sprays
  • Gels, including hair gels and shower gel
  • The containt of pressured recipients, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants
  • Paste, including toothpaste
  • Mixtures of solid and liquid substances