Tourist attractiveness of the area (especially the monasteries of Bucovina, 7 of the 14 monasteries belonging to the UNESCO patrimony) can ensure a high flow of foreign tourists which may be embarked / disembarked directly through the "Stefan cel Mare" airport in Suceava.
The high rate of Romanian emigration from Suceava and Botosani counties and complementarily, the large number of VFR tourists (Visiting-Friends-and-Relatives) can help ensure a constant flow of passengers at the airport level.
- Easy Road access (car, bus, common transport) to the airport.
- The Airport benefits from a new infrastructure dedicated to both passengers
( processing capacity of 200 passengers/ hour through three check-in counters, with the possibility of upgrades) and air operators (movement area expanded lighting system CAT.II with ILS navigation system etc.)
- High quality standards in providing services at the airport.